Latest Episodes
Will of the Dice: Scions of Oblivion, Episode 11 The Heist?
Will the Party try to get the journal of Mordrid Nighthawk? Will the new revealed truth impact the parties dynamic? Are Dandi and Pants...
Will of the Dice: The Darkened Queen and The Shadowed Rose. Episode 7, Tomb of Veils
History and Legend are corrected. Ellianna and Sera are seperated
Will of the Dice: Scions of Oblivion, Episode 12 What Now?
The perfect heist pulled the party must figure out their next move. Or has it already been decided?
Will of the Dice: Scions of Oblivion, Episode 12 Lil Orphan Dandi
The past can bite when discovered. What happens when the world you navigate becomes a lie
Will of the Dice: The Darkened Queen and The Shadowed Rose. Episode8, Heads of State Horns of War
The party is granted audience with the Tri-Knot council. Will this go as hoped or will fate intervine?
Will of the Dice: The Darkened Queen and The Shadowed Rose. Episode 9 Heavy is the head that wears the Diadem
The Diadem of Unification comes into play in the war between the Minotaurs and the Kingdom of Ironsage